Local Legends District: The Sunken City (PDF)


An underwater dome serving as the home of countless Rifts, The Sunken City is a City of Mist district unlike any other. Whereas other parts of the City are kept under a heavy shroud of Mist, The Sunken City, secreted as it is under the waves, has no Mist to speak of. As such, Rift are free to use their abilities and explore their Mythoi when visiting this flooded community. However, this haven is not designed to last forever, with an unknown expiration date set on the dome that encapsulates the district’s buildings and their inhabitants. Players can marvel at the many strange and wonderful sights, sounds, creatures and people found within The Sunken City - but sometime soon, Atlantis will return to the waves. 

  • A 35 page PDF providing an overview of a themed district designed to be used with the City of Mist roleplaying game

  • Contains a collection of bizarre locations for players to explore, from the seat of the Atlantean Elders, The Tower of Judgement, to a sanctuary that is itself an enormous and ancient sea turtle

  • Features a one-short case for players to follow involving a sinister death cult seeking to awaken a ginormous leviathan and herald the end of civilization 

  • Reaching the district is an adventure in itself, with rules for researching and finding the Sunken City included, as well as special Atlantean rules for the actions taken in the Mist-less dome 

  • Encounter a cast of oceanic characters like the Tanvi Ashura, Tagalog goddess of the ocean, the outcast Dažbog and his dire family, and the famous Hawaiian god himself, Maui

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