A special discounted bundle of ALL City of Mist books, and the Starter Set!
This bundle includes:
The Starter Set. Learn to roleplay in a city of ordinary people and legendary powers. This set is designed to launch your game group into the game with as little prep as possible, learning as you play.
The Player's Guide. Everything you need to create, play, and evolve City of Mist characters, including an introduction to the setting, tools for creating unique modern fantasy characters, the complete cinematic game rules, and a dramatic character development system.
The MC Toolkit. All the guides and tools for creating and running your own City of Mist series, as well as ample ready-to-play content: challenges, adversaries, arch-villains, and a full case - "Gambling With Death" - so you can start playing right off the bat.
Shadows & Showdowns. An expansion book that enhances the core rules and reveals much about the City and the powers behind the Mist - and beyond it, including: new themebooks, a trove of ready-made content to use on-the-fly, more exciting locations, intriguing locals, and challenging Dangers, a council of Avatars that runs the City, and a deeper look at the Gatekeepers, the organization behind the Mist.
Nights of Payne Town. A story arc book amassing ten cases (adventures) that can be run individually, through three separate sub-arcs, or as an ongoing series (campaign), following the insidious operation of an all-powerful Avatar.
This item includes the following downloads:
- The Player's Guide (PDF)
- The MC Toolkit (PDF)
- Shadows & Showdowns (PDF)
- Nights of Payne Town (PDF)
- The Starter Set (PDF)
These downloads will become available in your personal downloads page once you complete your purchase.