The Starter Box (Retailers)

Learn to roleplay in a city of ordinary people and legendary powers!

What's included in the box:

  • A booklet for players, explaining the rules of the game

  • A booklet for the MC, explaining the role of the MC and containing your first case, Shark Tank

  • 5 beautifully-illustrated pre-generated character folios: Baku, Detective Enkidu, Job, Lily Chow & Iron Hans, and Tlaloc

  • 20 tracking cards

  • 1 crew card

  • 2 Custom City of Mist Dice - 1 Mythos (Purple), 1 Logos (Ivory)

  • 7 location maps on two huge double-sided foldable sheets (22"x17")

  • 41 illustrated character tokens

Customer Reviews:

"I have to say, initial impressions - you guys hit this one out of the park. The starter box is, in my opinion, a lot easier to digest in physical form than it was in the PDF, it flows very nicely in the booklets. The character folios look FANTASTIC. I like the dice a lot too."

"The first thing that stood out to me was the quality of the components. This feels like it's based on a TV or movie franchise. Amazing stuff."

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PDF downloads for all books are available on order.

Shipping fees are automatically calculated based on the items you purchase. For more information, read our shipping policy.

This item includes the following downloads:

  • The Starter Set (PDF)

These downloads will become available in your personal downloads page once you complete your purchase.

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