Shadows & Showdowns
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- Reviews
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A massive amount of options are added in this book. A really good tool for GMs due to the foes and expanded Mist lore.

Amazing book
Another amazing book. I absolutely love the character options and extra world building for GMs as well as players

I had the PDF for a while and just recently got the physical book and it is stunning! It already looked good on the screen and now it looks splendid in hand! It has so many fun ideas to play around with and to pick up and place into your game. Even if you don't use it whole cloth, it's a good way to see how you can use the preexisting rules in new, interesting, and fun ways!

I love this book! I especially love how it was laid out so that the further you go into the book, the more secrets you learn about the canon world. I'm excited to use this stuff in upcoming games