Local Legends District: La Colonia de Sombras (PDF)


La Colonia De Sombras is a City of Mist district and home to a Latin American population that remains one of the oldest communities within the fictional metropolis. Despite the shadow of poverty and hardship that hangs over some areas of the district, the people of La Colonia De Sombras spread a lot of hope amongst one another, which can be seen in the numerous colorful murals brightening their streets, in the delicious smell of cooking warming their homes and in the faces of the children playing outside. Almost all of it, however, is under the control of local kingpin Tío Tez, whose dominating presence poisons all aspects of La Colonia De Sombras and is being challenged by a mysterious masked vigilante. 

  • A 23 page PDF covering a themed City district designed for the City of Mist tabletop roleplaying game

  • Find an entire neighborhood’s worth of locations for players to visit, like the beloved local eatery Taquería El Dorado and Bill’s Billiards, the bar Tío Tez operates his exploitative business from

  • Players can embark on a one-shot case where they investigate the latest in a series of ritual murders with links to ancient Aztec demons

  • Encounter a menagerie of strange and terrifying beasts from across Mesoamerican mythology, such as the monstrous worm Cuiluhuexi, and the Tzitzimimeh, skeletal demons of celestial origin

  • A broad cast of engaging characters for players to meet and befriend or contend with, like crime lord Javier “Tio Tez” Gutierrez, hired killer Alma Espinoza, and local lucha mask-wearing vigilante Aguila De Plata

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  • District: La Colonia de Sombras (PDF)

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