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The Ultimate Set

The Ultimate Set

The Core Set

The Core Set

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The Starter Set (PDF)
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The Player's Guide (PDF)
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Bundle: Rules Combo (PDF)
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Ultimate PDF Bundle
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Character: Scarlet (PDF)
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The MC Toolkit (PDF)
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Shadows & Showdowns (PDF)
Bundle: All Books

Bundle: All Books

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The 'Into the Mist' Set
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Character: Hecate (PDF)

MC Screen

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Nights of Payne Town (PDF)
The MC Toolkit

The MC Toolkit

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Character Folio Pack (PDF)
22% OFF!
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:Otherscape Nexus Bundle
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Local Legends (PDF)
Local Legends

Local Legends

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Character: Ghostface (PDF)
50% OFF!
Character: Bodhi (PDF)
50% OFF!
Character: Bassie (PDF)
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Case: The Alchemist (PDF)
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Case: The Furnace (PDF)
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Tokyo:Otherscape Box Set
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Case: Albion Awakens (PDF)
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Case: Broken Glass (PDF)
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:Otherscape MC Screen PDF
SAVE $25
The Core Set (Retailers)