Local Legends District: Independence (PDF)


A community with a rich history of fighting systematic oppression, Independence is a City of Mist district of proud Black history, filled with local businesses, activist groups, and individuals working together for a better future. Independence has been under the boot of the Gatekeeper-backed City Hall for far too long, prompting its citizens to find ways to stand against the corrupted organization to protect each other. The Rifts of this district don’t sit idly -  together with their fellow Independence folk, they are in the process of rising up against Ward 9 and its army of clones. You might be able to join them - if you prove yourself.

  • A 22 page PDF providing an overview of a themed City district that’s designed to be used with the City of Mist tabletop roleplaying game

  • Contains several locations of note, from the energetic atmosphere of club Freeport to the mysterious and haunted Old Fort

  • Includes a one-shot case wherein players strive to find justice for a local family whose loss has been ignored by the authorities

  • A rogue’s gallery of dangerous Mythoi monsters to encounter, like the restless spirits of The Chains, and the faceless Niners 

  • Fascinating characters for players to interact with, like local patriarch Isaiah William Bishop and his Mythical crew, and harsh but fair Denny Hodges, who can always be found in the local shop

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  • District: Independence (PDF)

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