Announcing New Accessories for Nights of Payne Town  | City of Mist Tabletop RPG (TTRPG)

Announcing New Accessories for Nights of Payne Town

We're excited to announce that the long-awaited "Into The Mist" slipcase set, which contains both the Shadows & Showdowns expansion and the Nights of Payne Town story arc for City of Mist is finally in print and will be shipping this July.

Save $15 when you pre-order the slipcase set for $99.95 compared to post-launch discount price($114.95)


Together with the slipcase set we are excited to announce two new accessories that will make your Nights of Payne Town campaign truly unforgettable: the Deck of Legends and the Crime Board Map.



Deck of Legends | City of Mist TTRPG

The Deck of Legends is a combination of a beautiful City of Mist art deck and a handy Danger profile reference. Containing 40 large tarot cards with the most villainous Dangers in the Nights of Payne Town story arc, including all the bosses, this deck will allow you to easily access Danger profiles in the story arc.

Each card contains the Danger's signature art with its description and flavor text, spectrums, custom moves, hard moves, and soft moves. You can also use the Deck of Legends without the story arc, as random encounters for your crew while they prowl the streets of the City at night.

Save $10 more when you pre-order the Deck of Legends with the "Into the Mist" Set.


Crime Board Map | City of Mist TTRPG

The Crime Board Map included in the "Into The Mist" slipcase has been expanded from a map to a cinematic detective experience for any crew investigating in the City, and specifically for crews playing through the Nights of Payne Town story arc.

Each 33" X 25.5" map now comes with a confidential envelope containing dozens of cutout clues for your crew to discover and pin to their crime board map as they investigate the story arc.

Each cutout is connected to an existing clue in the Nights of Payne Town book and becomes an integral part of the investigation. Just add red thread to connect them all!

Crime Board Map - Pinnable Clue | City of Mist TTRPG


The Crime Board Map is only available as part of the "Into The Mist' slicpase set. If you pre-ordered Nights of Payne Town, Shadows & Showdowns or both, you can upgrade your order to the "Into The Mist' slipcase set by contacting us.


If you've been waiting for out-of-stock items like the Custom Dice or the Core Set, they are back on the store and arriving in July with the new items. Reserve your copies today!

SAVE $40!
The 'Into the Mist' Set
Deck of Legends

Deck of Legends

Nights of Payne Town
Shadows & Showdowns
The Core Set

The Core Set

City of Mist Dice (8)