Metro:Otherscape Corebook PDF
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An absolute blast, another amazing step in the Mist system.
I really cannot say how much I've loved reading this system and getting to play it since it's release. If you can handle a free-form narrative based system with lots of options, these products really bring it all home. The setting feels really great, the extra 'crunch' on the world in setting vs the original City of Mist books is fantastic, the tightening of the rules and actions to make everything more streamlined is really slick. I cannot say enough positive about this, and really I'll leave it at "If you're a fan of City of Mist and wanna see how things go in Cyberpunk, or you just want a fresh take on the Fantasy/Mythos Cyberpunk world, take a look here." For full transparency, two minor 'gripes', if that. I do wish the 'iceberg' narrative system was reexplored in the concept of telling a full story here. It was a wonderful thing to see in the City of Mist books and nothing in these really touches the same vein, but you can transpose those ideas over, so... and a little more 'touch' on the possibility of downtime moments/activities woulda been nice. Also REALLY hoping/looking forwards to an introduction module/guide for R20/Foundry similar to the City of Mist Shark Tank!

General Thoughts
I love SoO systems and only think Load out can be explained better but other than that it's a cool system. The tropes are really great for gm and PCs imo cuz some of the concepts are soo badass. Though another minor complaint is I wasn't terribly interested in the Sample Megacorps. But the idea of magical Cyberpunk is frankly unique I'm not sure anyone else tried that