Albion Awakens
A Public Case of Local Kingpins and Budding Kingdoms
Something is going down in Whitecliff. Amid rising crime rates and vandalized businesses, a new gang of bikers is tightening its grip on the neighborhood.
Strangely, they are backed by the little folks on the streets, who are eager to transform their concrete jungle home into a bucolic, idyllic community. Is this a wholesome new grassroot movement or a dangerous and violent uprising?
Behind it all looms a mysterious ruler, a king among kings, adamant to protect his realm against those who would subjugate it. Now you must choose whether to help him rise to the throne or slay him upon the steps...

More than it is a classic case, Albion Awakens is an unfolding event: the rise to power of the Rift of King Arthur, valiant yet deeply wounded. The PCs partake in this event as investigators at first but soon they must evaluate the new king and his two-wheeled knights and make the hard choice of whether to join them or stand against them.
As the crew grows more involved with the dealings in Whitecliff, you, the MC, sow doubt in either direction they decided on, enhancing the dilemma.
This case features greater mobility between locations than usual; PCs can go back to talk to an NPC in a previously investigated location and unlock new clues based on the crew’s actions and affiliation.